Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Prequel

Finally. Having a pc without a monitor suck balls. I feel so damn connected!!

I have yet to even set foot in BigFirm and there are already rumours about me.

DAMN!! These women sure know how to run their mouths. Can't they do something more conducive with their mouth like giving blowjobs eating chocolates or something?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Coming-Soon

I've signed it.

I've delivered it.

Watch out. I shall spread madness.

Dropping in, 16th June.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Deal

I have been offered a job by BigFirm.

By that, it means extremely-ridiculously-long hours, unclaimable OTs, screwed-up managers and possible fucked-up colleagues.

Now I am just one signature away.

One signature away from selling my soul.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Perfect Situation

You know you are screwed when you wake up at half past 8 to Weezer's Perfect Situation, brushed your teeth, shit & what-not, hit the shower, still with Weezer blasting through your vintage speakers, and when you get out of the shower, you noticed a text on your mobile and it reads,

"U in class yet? Can u get *insert colleague's name* to call me? Thanks."

And you ask yourself, "Huh? What class? Class ain't due till 6 this evening."


You called him back, asking if his colleagues are actually taking leave for classes. He thought so.

Then you proceed to call the college, but no one picks the motha-fuckin call.

You called the college's staff on his cell... "The number you called is not in service."

Then you call your classmate, the only one you have the number to, and she just has to convey the bad news to you.


It was already 9.15am.

Why the fuckin' hell did I not call her at the first place? I don't fuckin' know.

But what I do know is that I'm screwed.


Perfect situation, no doubt about that.

Just perfect.
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